The secret to creativity, for me, is awareness. Looking, listening, for something that triggers me. Oftentimes, the things that trigger my own expressions are the expressions of others, or something that another person says. Here are some things that have lit me up lately; little things that have made me want to MAKE THINGS.
KISS the PAPER is a term used in letterpress printing when the impression on the paper is just right.
KISS the PAPER is the paper blog correspondence of two sisters who live in san francisco + oakland.
KISS the PAPER will be published every tuesday for 52 weeks.
sisters. kate + molly. born in months that begin with A. 10 years apart. both 5 ft 2, both size 6 shoe. born into a family of artists. raised on a commune with red barn doors. one brunette. one blonde. they have gathered stories together + separately in italy, argentina + brooklyn (+ some other good places).
coach jenn. also born in a month that begins with A. asker of questions. lover of beauty.
this is getting freaky!
your first quote: art is like an equation.
and i after many renamings of my post chose creative equations.
this is creeping me out!
(in a good way)
gosh, i love you!
Very cool, Molly! And wow, yes, it's getting eerie with the esp (in a totally good way, I agree!)!!!
WTF you blow me away.
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