
My Inspiration Board

I love making inspiration boards. I collect things that I love and tack them up, and usually the jumble of random things will spark my imagination or give me an idea. I love creating new boards for different things, putting up all the ideas and visual considerations I have for a new project. Collecting and assembling beautiful things is how I stay inspired.



Kate's post coming soon! (She is in Portugal with her hunny!)


WEEK 42: If you and your sister won $1 million what would you do?

The Empty Storefront...Needs Sister Help!

Sister Storefront

This is a joint-sister-post! 

We'd spend most of our days making because we love making 
& on the other days we'd adventure around the world together, gathering treasures to share along our way.

Creative Commons License
Kiss the Paper by Kate Prentiss and Molly Prentiss is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.