Thanks for sharing your art with me!
We have a big, medium and baby size sheepskin for each of us to sit by the fire... :)
You can borrow mine... it has one spot/freckle on it!
Isn't it ridiculous how dad's painting fits in this nook?!
I look at your thermos + succulents every morning at the kitchen sink...
Our office is not totally unpacked yet at all but it is the most amazing room...
Do you see the deer?? They are always eating right outside the house... it is so cool!
Leila lou's room... :)))) Best kids room ever...
My closet, which Matt refers to as 'my store'... ha ha ha.
I love you + miss you too much... please move back home close to me soon, okay?!
But in the meantime give the big apple, aka the big cupcake a kiss for me.
xoxo, sister